Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hebrews 4 & 5 -- Who's Doing The Judging?

“God’s Word is alive and working and is sharper than a double-edged sword.  It cuts all the way into us, where the soul and the spirit are joined to the center of our joints and bones.  And it judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts.  Nothing in all the world can be hidden from God.  Everything is clear and lies open before Him and to Him we must explain the way we have lived.”

My commentary said that these verses contain the warning that unbelief never goes undetected.  (We display unbelief when we disobey God’s commands.)  It’s first detected by the Word of God – the Bible.  This book is alive, and every day that we read it God uses what we read to cut through the veneer we’ve put up to keep others from knowing our true selves and it cuts right to the heart of who we really are.  Because God knows us so well, nothing remains hidden.  God’s Word brings it into the light for examination.  As it said, “It judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts.”  That’s something nothing and no one else can do.

In verse 13, my commentary said to take note of the shift in pronouns.  (Amazing timing, God, for having me review my son’s homework on pronouns last night so that it would catch my eye this morning!)  Now, it’s no longer the Word of God doing the detecting of unbelief in our lives.  It’s the Living Lord.  Because He became a man and was tempted in every way but did not sin, He knows the kinds of thoughts we fight and can easily detect unbelief.  Verse 13 also tells us that, with everything lying open before Him, we therefore must explain to Him the way we have lived.

Father, nothing of me is hidden from You.  I dare not even try.  Your Word calls me to account for not just my actions, but my thoughts and feelings as well.  Thank You for having gone there before me, and for having lived in total obedience despite all those opportunities to succumb to temptation and sin.  You now show me that it is possible to live a holy life, but only while living in total obedience to You.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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