The Jewish feasts which Gold told Moses to institute had several sets of meanings. For the Jews, the Sabbath recalled God’s rest after their creation. The Passover remembered God’s power to save. The Firstfruits recalled how thankful they should be for God’s provision, while the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) celebrated His strength and watchcare. The Feast of Trumpets was a time to reflect on all God had done and to understand that no work on our part could change our standing before Him, while the Day of Cleansing reminded them of their sin and their need of a Savior. The Feast of Shelters was associated with final harvest and God’s provision for them.
My commentary highlighted what these feasts foreshadowed for Christians:
The Sabbath reminds us that God created us.
The Passover speaks of Calvary – God saving us.
The Feast of Firstfruits reminds us of Christ’s resurrection – the first of all who will be resurrected.
The Feast of Pentecost notes the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Looking to the future, the Feast of Trumpets pictures Israel being regathered.
The Day of Atonement looks forward to the remnant of Israel repenting and acknowledging Jesus as Messiah.
The Feast of Tabernacles sees Israel enjoying the millennial reign of Christ.
So these weren’t just about history, and they weren’t solely for the Israelites. They pointed them to their Savior. I pray that they will see Him in them and that we will acknowledge all that God has done for us, prepictured for us all those thousands of years ago.
Father, there is no waste in anything You have us do. These feasts were there for a reason. Use them to remind us today of Your watchcare and love for us.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
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