God set the standard that the punishment should fit the crime here, as well as fairness at work, and the responsibility of families to take care of their members. Care of family members was so important to God that He authorized the shameful act of spitting in the face of one who failed that duty as a public humiliation for that failure.
With God being known for His love, to see “God hates …” makes one perk up and take notice. God hated people who used one set of weights for buying and a different set of weights for selling. God is truth, and He despises dishonesty.
He is also loving enough of those He calls His own that He will remember those who have harmed them. Although this would appear to be grudge-carrying, there was never any evidence of any sorrow or repentance on the part of the Amalekites for disobeying God’s word and harming His people.
Father, You are just and more than fair. Satan would have us believe that with these commands You are sinking to our level and being mean and spiteful. But instead, You are reacting to our sin as a judge should, trying to prevent us from sinning by showing us the harm we inflict on others, and You are faithful to make sure we understand that sin has long-term consequences. Thank You for Your truth.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford