Friday, September 9, 2011

1 John 3 -- A Christian Sinning

John tells us a lot about what a believer ought to look like and how he ought to live.  Since we all still sin while we are living in these bodies that are sin-infected, it's important to distinguish what he says about believers vs. nonbelievers.
In 3:4 my commentary says, "Sin is lawlessness.  It is insubordination to God, wanting one's own way, and refusing to acknowledge the Lord as rightful Sovereign.  In essence, it is placing one's own will above the will of God.  It is opposition to a Living Person who has the right to be obeyed."
The focus seems to be on willfullness and defiance of God.  In 3:6, my commentary said, "John is not here speaking about isolated acts of sin, but rather continued, habitual, characteristic behavior.  This verse does not imply that when a Christian commits an act of sin, he loses his salvation.  Rather, it says that when a person sins habitually, it is conclusive that he was never regenerated."
About 3:9, it also said, "Verse nine repeats the impossibility of one who has been born of God going on in sin ... The believer does not have thie sin habit.  He does not defiantly continue in sin ... Rather than being an excuse for the Christian to go out and sin, his eternal security is a guarantee he will not go on sinning.  He cannot sin habitually because he has been born of God.  This divine relationship precludes the possibility of continuance in sin as a lifestyle."
When Christians do sin, we should be quick to confess and forsake our sins, because the Holy Spirit will be speaking to our hearts about it, causing us to feel the separation from God that our sin has caused, and we will not want to place our own will above the will of God.
Father, I thank You that You do guarantee that I have eternal life because I have believed in Your Son's sacrifice for me.  Help me never to take that sacrifice lightly by uncaringly sinning against You.  Prick my conscience when I do sin, and cause me misery in my soul so that I will confess and forsake my sin and come running back to You.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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