My commentary says that in this chapter, John was showing us how "various kinds and classes of people came to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. The first was the Samaritan woman. We have no clue today about true racism. This would blow away today's critics. The Jews despised Samaritans as half-breeds. And my commentary also mentioned that rabbis were quoted as saying, "It is better that the words of the law be burned than be delivered to a woman." Wow!
Yet Jesus had a divine appointment with this woman, telling her everything she'd ever done and using that encounter to show us how shallow faith can be dealt with. "The only way to prepare the soil of the heart for the seed is to plow it up with conviction ... He forced her to admit her sin. There can be no conversion without conviction. There must first be conviction and repentance, and then there can be saving faith ... He had to touch her conscience, and that meant dealing with her sin."
Jesus also made it clear here to her and to all of us that "all religions are not equally acceptable before God, that some worshipers act in ignorance and unbelief. The only faith that God will accept is that which came through the Jews ... Jesus said, 'Salvation is of the Jews."
When I had pulled away from God after college, I remember reading in a New Age book that Jesus never claimed to be the Son of God, and I am still shocked at how readily I'd accepted that statement! I had never read the Bible completely through at that point, but somewhere along the line afterwards God did reveal to me verse 26 of this chapter, where the Samaritan woman said, "I know that the Messiah is coming. When the Messiah comes, he will explain everything to us." Then Jesus replies, "I AM He -- I, the One talking to you."
I'd so easily bought into a lie from Satan back then, and I know millions of nonbelievers and believers still do today! And the "I AM" He uttered is earth-shaking. As my commentary described, "He dared to utter the holy name of God!" doubling down to make sure she didn't miss it! But I did at some point, and I'm so glad God showed me that years ago! There are so many great events in this chapter, including the healing of the nobleman's son from a distance. Thank You for continuing to fuel my faith, Father!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford