Monday, April 29, 2019

1 Peter 3:1-6 Wedlock or Deadlock?

My commentary entitled this section "Wedlock or Deadlock?" and then states, "The fact that a man and a woman are both saved is no guarantee that their marriage will succeed.  Marriage is something we have to work at; success is not automatic."

The primary message here is "in the same manner as Christ."  "Just as Jesus was submissive and obedient to God's will, so a Christian husband and wife should follow His example ... if both partners will imitate Jesus Christ in His submission and obedience and His desire to serve others, then there will be triumph and joy in the home ... In Christ, we see a beautiful blending of strength and tenderness, and that is what it takes ..."

Submission, to the world, sounds like slavery, and the word really sets people off.  But for Christians, our example is Christ and we marvel at how He submitted Himself to God's will.  My commentary said submission is an obligation, an opportunity, and an ornament for Christian wives.  The mirror image of that is discussed next -- consideration.  Each partner in a marriage lives in a way that together resembles the image of God.  One without the other is incomplete for that image.  It's never to be one vs the other, but more like the math formula:  1+1 > 2, because of what God brings to the table in a Christian marriage.  

Father, please continue to show me Your will for my life regarding marriage.  Help me to only want what You want for me.  Bless my married friends and help them to see your will through this.  
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

1 Peter 2:18-25 In Plain English

Peter's word he received from Christ and is sharing with other Christians seems to be ripe for putting down in plain English:

1)  Have respect for those in authority over us, regardless of the circumstances, because God put them there for a reason.
2)  Suffering does seem unfair, but endure it well because Jesus did.
3)  We were each called to go through whatever we're going through.  It's an assignment we need to complete.
4)  Stifle the urge to retaliate.  Christ took everything they dished out and didn't retaliate.
5)  He carried our sins in His body on the cross.  We do not need to add to that burden.
6)  Since He did all thiswe need to come back to Him as our Protector and Shepherd.

Too often, we allow the treatment the world gives us to deflect us from what Peter has told us.  Father, help me to stay on course when the ride gets bumpy.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Monday, April 22, 2019

1 Peter 2:11-17 The Evil Things Our Bodies Want To Do

"Dear friends," Peter writes, "You are like foreigners and strangers in this world.  I beg you to avoid the evil things your bodies want to do that fight against your soul."

Peter is writing to other Christians, and telling us that the citizens of this world are now different than us because we have citizenship in the spiritual realm.  But the very real physical connection our bodies have with this world is a problem for us.  Despite the fact that we have become children of God through Christ, those same physical bodies still are subject to desires from this physical world that are not of God, that are evil in God's eyes; and they will not stop during this physical lifetime.

We have a good reason to "avoid" those evil things as Peter puts it -- "People who do not believe are living all around you and might say that you are doing wrong."  They may themselves be doing the very same things, but they will claim that those things are not wrong for them because they are not Christians.  Amazingly, he tells us, "Live such good lives that they will see the good things you do and will give glory to God on the day when Christ comes again."  If they aren't saved by that time, imagine what it will mean that unbelievers give God glory for the witness we had in their lives!

Father, I agree with everything here.  It would be wonderful if our bodies didn't keep having those physical desires, but until I'm with You, please give me the strength not to fall.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Thursday, April 18, 2019

1 Peter 2:1-10 Not Going It Alone

So much of our Bible study time is done alone - personally.  Yet in these verses Peter tells us of the importance of Christians being together and united.  There are four pictures were are shown, according to my commentary:

1)  Children in the same family -- Our new nature and living hope comes from our new birth into God's family when we accept Christ.  Each child in a family is different -- even twins!  And those differences need not cause divisiveness.  A family stays together.

2)  Stones in the same building -- A bricked building looks nice, but a building made of stones has real character.  The different sizes and shapes and variations of color are used to create something of beauty.  It should be the same with members of a church.

3)  Priests in the same temple -- "In the Old Testament, God's people had a priesthood, but today, God's people are a priesthood ... This means that our own lives should be lived as though we were priests in a temple," my commentary said.  Our sacrifices are not slain animals, but our bodies, good works, praise, money, and other things.  "We are priests together ... while we must maintain our personal walk with God, we must not do it at the expense of other Christians by ignoring or neglecting them.

4)  Citizens of the same nation -- "God's people today are His chosen and holy nation ... We are living in enemy territory, and the enemy is constantly watching us, looking for opportunities to move in and take over.  As citizens of heaven, we must be united.  We must present to the world a united demonstration of what the grace and mercy of God can do."  

Father, help me to value fellowship and not neglect it.  Show me how to bond better with my fellow Christians so that others will see Christ in us.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

1 Peter 1:13-25 A Call To Holy Living

In my Bible, this section is entitled "A Call To Holy Living", and the first thing Peter says is to prepare our minds for service and have self-control.  Sometime in the past I'd written these words over that verse:  "Strong, composed, cool, ready for action, unimpeded by the distraction of human fear."  It reminds me of a soldier in an enemy land about to take out an important target.  Before any action begins, he must be in this mindset, and it's the same for us.  Preparing our minds for daily life would be the same, and self-control becomes the result.

As a soldier hopes his training and practice have prepared him for his mission, so we have a hope as well mentioned here -- "All your hope should be for the gift of grace that will be yours when Jesus Christ is shown to you."

We didn't understand how what we were doing displeased God and reflected poorly on Christ.  It says we did the evil things we wanted, because we didn't understand, but now we do.  So we are to be holy IN ALL WE DO now that we know.  If we fail at some point, it goes back to having not prepared our minds for service.  Perhaps we allowed ourselves to be impeded by the distraction of human fear.

Father, keep my mind focused on You.  Don't allow my thoughts to wonder and cause me to think thoughts that are not of You and which could lead me to sin.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Monday, April 15, 2019

1 Peter 1:1-12 Can You See It?

God planned long ago to choose you by making you His holy people, which is the Spirit's work.  God wanted you to obey Him and to be made clean by the blood of the death of Jesus Christ."  Doesn't that show God's incredible love for us?  Not that we chose Him, but that He first chose us!  He also cleaned us up by the offering of His own Son in death for us!  That ought to result in us obeying Him.

"In God's great mercy He has caused us to be born again into a living hope."  Where does this living hope come from?  The resurrected Christ, who can no longer die.  

"These blessings ... are kept in Heaven for you."  They have already been issued and await our arrival!

"God's power protects you through your faith until salvation is shown to you at the end of time."  Imagine the Creator of the universe using that same power to protect me for that long!  Yet my disobedience quickly challenges that power.  I'm so glad God's mercy is stronger than my disobedience!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Exodus 36-40 Construction Done -- Putting It Together

The work was finished and all of it was brought to Moses to be inspected, and when it all passed, the tabernacle was constructed.  

"God could not and would not dwell in the tabernacle unless everything was done according to the pattern He showed Moses on the mount ... the glory of God filled the tabernacle and abode there ... So powerful was the presence of God's glory that Moses wasn't able to enter the tabernacle!" my commentary said.

It continued, "Too many sincere people have tried to do God's work their own way and then have asked God to bless it.  But ministry doesn't work that way.  First we find out what God wants us to do, and we do it to glorify Him.  If we obey His will and seek to honor His name, then He will come and bless the work with His powerful presence."

Father, thank You for again allowing me to minister to a great group of middle school guys.  I love their boundless energy.  Guide it to glorify You and show them that You hear and answer their prayers.  Start now to build more Christian guys the way You've faithfully done over the 27 years You've had me working for Your ministry.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Exodus 34 & 35 -- God's Traits

God told Moses to prepare two replacement stone tablets and to come to the top of Mt. Sinai by himself to meet God.  "Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with Moses and said, 'I am the Lord.  The Lord is a God who shows mercy, who is kind, who doesn't become angry quickly, who has great love and faithfulness, and is kind to thousands of people.'"

There was much more that followed, but I couldn't help but think that I'm glad my God is described in this way -- much differently than the false gods of Egypt and Canaan.  And I should strive to be like Him -- showing mercy, being kind, not becoming angry quickly, having great love and faithfulness, being kind to people I don't even know, forgiving those who turn against me.

Father, help me to do that.  Help me to take Your qualities and make them my own every day.  Remind me when I sin that I need to restart here.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Monday, April 1, 2019

Exodus 33 -- God Doesn't Need Reminding

God told Moses He wasn't going with the people to lead them into the Promised Land after their sin with the golden calf.  He would get them there, but they wouldn't experience His presence.  He said, "I will not go with you, because I might destroy you on the way ..."  The people were saddened by this news.  But they should have expected it.

Moses met with God.  He reminded God of the covenants He'd made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (not that God needed reminding).  God said, "I will do what you ask, because I know you very well, and I am pleased with you."  How we each should hope that He says that to us as well someday!

Moses met with God face-to-face, but God's glory was hidden during those meetings, and Moses asked to see it.  So God provided a place with protection for Moses so that he could witness a small part of God's glory.

Father, I often find myself feeling more like the Israelites than like Moses.  Yet You continue to love me anyway!  Thank You for Your provision and care for me and my family.  Help me not to sin, and go with me to point out what I need to avoid.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford