"We know that God by nature is perfectly just. It is unthinkable that God would will an unjust purpose or perform an unjust act. But at times it seems He does just that ... Paul gives three answers why it seems that way:
1) Who are we to argue with God? - "God is wiser than we are, and we are foolish to question His will or to resist it ... It is God who determines whether a man will be a Moses or a Pharaoh. Neither Moses, nor Pharaoh, nor anyone else, could choose his parents, his genetic structure, or his time and place of birth. We have to believe that these matters are in the hands of God. However, this does not excuse us from responsibility," my commentary began.
2) God has His purposes - "We must never think that God enjoyed watching a tyrant like Pharaoh. He endured it ... God prepares men for glory, but sinners prepare themselves for judgment. In Moses and Israel, God revealed His power and wrath. Since neither deserve ANY mercy, God cannot be charge with injustice."
3) All of this was prophesied - "Paul quoted Hosea 2:23, a statement declaring that God would turn from the Jews and call the Gentiles. Then he cited Hosea 1:10 to prove that this new people being called would be God's people and children of the living God. He then quoted Isaiah 10:22-23 to show that only a remnant of Israel would be saved, while the greater part of the nation would suffer judgment ... Now what does all this prove? That God was not unjust in saving some and judging others, because He was only fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies given centuries ago. He would be unjust if He did not keep His own Word. But even more than that, these prophecies show that God's election has made possible the salvation of the Gentiles. This is the grace of God."
Father, God, when I don't understand, I'm thankful that years ago You taught me to trust Your heart, Your goodness, Your wisdom, and Your love. Our minds are not like Yours, so this side of heaven we often face doubts. When I can't see Your hand, help me trust Your heart.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford