Tuesday, January 31, 2017

2 Corinthians 5 -- One More Possession We Have In Christ

In the first part of this chapter, Paul lists one more possession we have in Christ to go along with the other three he mentioned in chapter 4:  "We have a future hope."

"We have a building of God, not the believer's heavenly home, but his glorified body ... he knew that believers would one day receive a wonderful glorified body, suited to the glorious environment of heaven... We know because we trust the Word of God ... God has told us all that we need to know in the pages of His Word... We know that death cannot claim us."

"Paul was not expressing a morbid desire for death ... he was eager for Jesus Christ to return so that he would be clothed upon with a glorified body."

"He gave us three possibilities, using the image of the body as a tent -- residing in the tent:  
     (1) alive -- residing in the tent;
     (2) dead -- unclothed, out of the tent;
     (3) clothed upon -- the transformation of the body at the return of Christ."  

"Paul was hoping that he would be alive and on the earth at the return of Christ, so that he might not have to go through the experience of death ... Paul was not groaning because he was in a human body, but because he longed to see Jesus and receive a glorified body.  He was groaning for glory!"

"Because he had this kind of confidence, Paul was not afraid of suffering and trials, or even of dangers ... He walked by faith and not by sight.  He looked at the eternal unseen, not the temporal seen."

Father, thank You that my friend Cel knew this, and knew Your Son and accepted His sacrifice for her.  How I groan for that heavenly body that she now has.  Glorify her now for the fact that she glorified You on earth.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Friday, January 27, 2017

2 Corinthians 4 -- We Do Not Lose Heart!

"The key theme of this section is we do not lose heart ... Paul knew what he possessed in Jesus Christ!  Instead of complaining about what he did not have, Paul rejoiced in what he did have; and you and I can do the same thing," my commentary said.

We Have A Glorious Ministry -- "This ministry is a gift -- we receive it from God.  It is given to us because of God's mercy, not because of anything we are or have done ... This kept him from being a quitter ... With the divine calling came the divine enabling; Paul knew that God would see him through."

"It kept him from being a deceiver ... unlike the Judaizers, Paul had nothing to hide, either in his personal life or in his preaching of the Word."

"The mind of the lost sinner is blinded by Satan, and fallen man finds it easier to believe lies than to believe truth... Paul had already mentioned the veiled minds of the Jews.  The minds of the Gentiles are also blinded!  Those who are lost cannot understand the message of the gospel.  Satan does not want the glorious light of salvation to shine into their hearts ... Satan keeps lost sinners in the dark.  The sad thing is that Satan uses religious teachers (like the Judaizers) to deceive people!"

We Have A Valuable Treasure -- "It is the treasure within the vessel that gives the vessel its value ... God has made us the way we are so that we can do the work He wants us to do ... No Christian should ever complain to God because of his lack of gifts or abilities, or because of his limitations or handicaps ... Our very genetic structure is in the hands of God.  Each of us must accept himself and be himself.  The important thing about a vessel is that it be clean, empty, and available for service ... Paul was not afraid of suffering or trial, because he knew that God would guard the vessel so long as Paul was guarding the treasure.  God permits trials, God controls trials, and God uses trials for His own glory ... Sometimes God permits our vessels to be jarred so that some of the treasure will spill out and enrich others.  Suffering reveals not only the weaknesses of man but also the glory of God."

We Have A Confident Faith -- "Paul was sure of ultimate victory.  If Jesus Christ has conquered death, the last enemy, then why fear anything else?... Until a person is prepared to die, he is not really prepared to live ... Paul was sure God would be glorified, and he was sure that his trials were working for him, not against him.  He was sure that the invisible world was real.  Dr. A.W. Tozer used to remind us that the invisible world described in the Bible was the only real world.  If we could only see the visible world the way God wants us to see it, we would never be attracted by what it offers."

Father, thank You for reminding me of what You've given me in ministry, and thank You for stoking my strength when I feel like giving up.  Thank You for the valuable treasure You've placed within this clay jar, and for allowing me to see the invisible world and to know that You are actively working with me in it.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Thursday, January 26, 2017

2 Corinthians 3 -- Obeying Why?

Judaizers had come in, bolstered by recommendations from important people in the Jerusalem church.  "They pointed out that Paul had no such credentials.  It's a sad thing when a person measures his worth by what people say about him instead of what God knows about him ... Paul's life and ministry were the only recommendations needed," my commentary began.  "The legalist can admonish us with his 'Do this!' or 'Don't do that!' but he cannot give us the power to obey ... The test of ministry is changed lives, not press releases or statistics.  It is much easier for the legalist to boast, because he can measure his ministry by external standards.  The believer who patiently ministers by the Spirit of God must leave the results with the Lord... How tragic that the Corinthians followed the boastful Judaizers and broke the heart of the man who had rescued them from judgment!"

"Paul knew that the lost sinner must be slain by the law and left helplessly condemned before he can be saved by God's grace ... Only the grace of God, ministered by the Spirit of God, can transform lost sinners into living epistles that glorify Jesus Christ."

"The person who tries to live under the law will find himself feeling more and more guilty, and this can produce a feeling of hopelessness and rejection.  It is when we trust Christ, and live by faith in God's grace, that we experience acceptance and joy."

"There was a spiritual veil over the minds and hearts of the Jewish people.  Their spiritual eyes were blinded, so that when they read the Old Testament Scriptures, they did not see the truth about their own Messiah.  Even though the Scriptures were read systematically in the synagogues, the Jewish people did not grasp the spiritual message God had given to them.  They were blinded by their own religion."

"Law can bring us to Christ, but only grace can make us like Christ ... Since the Holy Spirit wrote the Word, He can teach it to us.  Even more, because the Spirit lives in us, He can enable us to obey the Word from our hearts.  This is not legal obedience, born of fear, but filial obedience born of love... The Spirit of God writes the Word of God on our hearts, and we obey our Father because of the new life He has given us within."

Father, thank You for causing me to obey because of that new life You've given me.  Help me never to return to the Law for my salvation.  Your grace is enough for me.  Also, help me to patiently minister by Your Spirit, and to leave the results with You.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

2 Corinthians 2 -- Healing, Cleansing, and Forgiveness In Church Problems

My commentary said:

"One of the members of the Corinthian church caused Paul a great deal of pain.  We are not sure if this is ... someone who publicly challenged Paul's apostolic authority.  Paul made a quick visit to deal with the problem... In all of this, he revealed a compassionate heart."  Here are the evidences of Paul's love:

#1 Love puts others first.  "He did not think of his own feelings ... His great desire was that the church might obey the Word, discipline the offender, and bring purity and peace to the congregation ... Paul knew that his words would wound those he loved ... But he also knew that there is a big difference between hurting someone and harming him."

"Paul could have exercised his apostolic authority and commanded the people to respect him and obey him; but he preferred to minister with patience and love.  God knew Paul's change of plans had as its motive the sparing of the church from further pain.  Love always considers the feelings of others and seeks to put their good ahead of everything else."

#2  Love also seeks to help others grow.  "True discipline is an evidence of love.  'Peace at any price' is not a biblical principle ... Problems that are swept under the rug have a way of multiplying and creating even worse problems later on."

#3  Love forgives and encourages.  "Paul urged the church family to forgive the man and he gave solid reasons to back up the admonition.  To begin with, they were to forgive him for his own sake ... Forgiveness is the medicine that helps to heal broken hearts.  It is important that the church assure the repentant sinner of their love ... When a church family assures a forgiven brother or sister that the sin is forgotten and the fellowship restored, there is a sense of the Lord's presence that is wonderful to experience ... Discipline without assurance of love and forgiveness does more harm than good."

"They should confirm their love to the forgiven brother for the Lord's sake ... The problem was not simply between a sinning brother and a grieving apostle:  it was also between a sinning brother and a grieving Savior ... when timid church leaders try to whitewash situations instead of facing them honestly, they are grieving the heart of the Lord."

"They must forgive the offender for the church's sake ... When there is an unforgiving spirit in a congregation because sin has not been dealt with in a biblical manner, it gives Satan a beachhead from which he can operate in the congregation.  One of Satan's devices is to accuse believers who have sinned so that they feel their case is hopeless... The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin so that we will confess it and turn to Christ for cleansing; but Satan accuses us of sin, so that we will despair and give up.  When an offending brother or sister is disciplined according to the Bible and repents, then the church family must forgive and restore the member, and the matter must be forgotten and never brought up again.  If the church family -- or any person in the family -- carries an unforgiving spirit, then Satan will use that attitude as a beachhead for new assaults against the church."

"Paul was sure that God was leading him.  He was also sure that God was leading him in triumph.  Paul was sure that God was using him as He was leading him ... Some might misunderstand him, but God knew his heart."

Father, please bring understanding and forgiveness, and even forgetfulness, to the members of our church.  Help us to do what You showed Paul to do here.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

2 Corinthians 1 -- A Whole World of Hurt for Paul

Wow!  Too much good stuff in here to pick from!  It mentions how Paul said he'd gotten chewed out by a church because his plans had to be changed!  So he ended up writing this letter to comfort and encourage.

"He certainly couldn't sing about his circumstances, but he could sing about the God who is in control of all circumstances.  Praise is an important factor in achieving victory over discouragements and depression," my commentary said.

"Whatever the Father did for Jesus when He was ministering on earth, He is able to do for us today.  We are precious to the Father, and He will see to it that the pressures of life will not destroy us."

"He puts strength into our hearts so we can face our trials and triumph over them ... When you find yourself discouraged because of difficult circumstances, it is easy to look at yourself and your feelings, or to focus on the problems around you.  But the first step we must take is to look by faith to the Lord and realize all that God is to us."

"We must never think that trouble is an accident.  For the believer, everything is a divine appointment ... If our trails are the products of fate or chance then our only recourse is to give up ... If we have to control everything ourselves, then the situation is equally as hopeless.  But if God is in control. and we trust Him, then we can overcome circumstances with His help."

"God knew just how much Paul could take and He kept the situation in control ... When God puts His children into the furnace, He keeps His hand on the thermostat and His eye on the thermometer."

"God wants us to trust Him -- not our gifts or abilities or experiences or our spiritual reserves.  Just about the time we feel self-confident and able to meet the enemy, we fail miserably."

"Sometimes God delivers us from our trials and at other times He delivers us in our trials."

Here is one that really hit home:  "God sometimes calls a church family to experience special trials in order that he might bestow on them special abundant grace... When Christians misunderstand each other, the wounds can go very deep ... Misunderstandings among God's people are often very difficult to untangle, because one misunderstanding often leads to another ... Once we start to question the integrity of others or distrust their words, the door is opened to all kinds of problems."

"God has to work in us before He can work through us ... God always prepares us for what He is preparing for us, and a part of the preparation is suffering ... As the sufferings increase, so does the supply of God's grace ... God has simple grace for our every need, but He will not bestow it in advance."

Father, help me to see other believers as You see them.  Don't let me make false accusations or assumptions.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Monday, January 23, 2017

Mark 16 -- Not The End, But The Beginning

"Jesus Christ was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification.  A dead Savior cannot save anybody.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is as much a part of the gospel message as His sacrificial death on the cross," my commentary began.

"The resurrection proves that Jesus Christ is what He claimed to be, the very Son of God."

"The emphasis of Mark 16:9-14 is on the unbelief of the disciples, who were mourning and weeping instead of rejoicing at the good news ... when He did appear, He reproached them for their unbelief, which was caused by their hardness of heart."

"The commission in Mark is probably a part of the Great Commission that Jesus gave on a mountain in Galilee ... The message is the gospel... The ministry is to share this message with the whole world ... The apostles were also given special signs that enforced their message.  Of themselves, miracles do not prove that a person has been sent by God, for the message must also be true to God's Word."

"Satan wants us to show off our faith and force God to perform unnecessary miracles.  Jesus refused to tempt God, and we should follow His example.  Yes, God cares for His children when, in His will, they are in dangerous places, but He is not obligated to care for us when we foolishly get out of His will.  We are called to live by faith, not by chance, and to trust God, not tempt Him."

"One of His heavenly ministries is that of enabling His people to do His will.  It is fitting that the gospel of the Servant should end with this reference to work ... By His Holy Spirit, the Lord wants to work in us, with us, and for us ... Are you serving or are you expecting others to serve you?", my commentary wrapped up the book.

Father, remind me often that, like Your Son, I am to be a servant and to serve others in Your name.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mark 15 -- What A Way To Finish!

"Pilate knew that the Jewish leaders were not interested in seeing justice done; what they really wanted was vengeance ... He wanted to avoid a riot ... He didn't ask, 'Is it right?'  Instead, he asked, 'Is it safe?  Is it popular?'"

On the other side was Christ, beaten, mocked, spat upon, and whipped.  "Our Lord quietly suffered and did not fight back, a lesson that Mark's readers would need to learn as they faced official persecution ... The Servant would die for the sins of the very people who were crucifying Him."  And when it was over, Jesus would say to the Father, "I have finished the work which You gave me to do (John 17:4)."  "It would be wonderful if all of us could give that same kind of report when we get to the end of life's journey.  To know that we have accomplished His work and glorified His name would certainly make us look back with thanksgiving and ahead with excitement and anticipation," my commentary said.

Father, I wish I had the faith to act as Jesus did, knowing that He was fully in Your will and knowing that He would soon be back with You, having completed fully His mission on this world.  Build my faith and my resolve.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Mark 14:27-72 Jesus' Warnings

Jesus' warnings to His disciples were especially brought up by my commentary and it seemed to make a special effort to help me understand what might have happened differently had they been obeyed.

"Jesus warned the disciples that they would all forsake Him, but He then assured them that He would meet them again in Galilee, after His resurrection ... Their minds and hearts were unable to receive and retain His words ... Had they listened to His word and believed it, they would have saved themselves a great deal of anxiety, and Peter would not have denied the Lord."

"The quotation from Zechariah told the disciples what to do when the Jews arrested Jesus:  scatter! ... at the very time of His arrest, Jesus said, "Let them go their way.  In other words, 'Men get out of here!'  Peter was not supposed to follow at all.  Had he obeyed the Lord, he would not have attacked a man with his sword or denied the Lord three times."

"Our Lord's struggle in the garden can be understood only in the light of what would happen to Him on the cross.  He would be made sin for us and bear the curse of the Law ... the contemplation of being forsaken by His father ... Note that Jesus did not tell the Father what to do.  He had perfect confidence in God's will ... He yielded to the Father's will in loving surrender."

"When the high priest put Him under oath, Jesus had to reply, and He testified clearly that He was indeed the Son of God ... and the members of the council knew exactly what Jesus was saying:  He was claiming to be God come in human flesh!  This claim, of course, was blasphemy to the Jews, and they declared Him guilty and worthy of death."

"It was not the crowing of the cock that convicted Peter; it was the remembering of Christ's words.  It is always the Word that penetrates the heart and brings about true repentance ... Jesus turned and looked at Peter.  It was a look of love, to be sure, but injured love."

"How many times have we denied the Lord and lost opportunities to share the Gospel with others?"

Father, I would have done no better.  We let fear drive us and want control to get rid of the fear.  That desire for control is an idol that we try to worship instead of You.  Banish my fear and aid me in all that I do.  I love You, Father, and I love what Your Son did for me!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Mark 14:1-26 The Beginning Of The Walk To The Cross

"Just as He had steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, so He steadfastly set His heart to do the Father's will."

"The woman doing this anointing was Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus ... The woman mentioned in Luke was a converted harlot ... It was an expensive offering that she gave to the Lord ... One jar would have cost the equivalent of a common worker's annual income ... The disciples criticized Mary for wasting her money ... Jesus commended Mary and accepted her gracious gift.  He knew the heart of Judas and understood why the other disciples followed his bad example ... No matter what others say about our worship or service, the most important thing is that we please the Lord.  The fact that others misunderstand and criticize us should not keep us from showing our love to Christ.  Our concern should be His approval also."

My commentary shared common arguments that people make about Judas.  But He wasn't a martyr or a robot.  He made his own decisions.  He wasn't a victim or a hero.  He was lost.

It was after Judas departed that Jesus instituted His new Lord's supper sacrament.  "On the cross, Jesus fulfilled the old covenant and established a new covenant ... ratified by the blood of God's Son ... The new covenant in His blood would do what the old covenant sacrifices could not do -- take away sin and cleanse the heart and conscience of the believer."

"Because Jesus is alive as we celebrate the Lord's Supper, by faith we have communion with him ... It is a spiritual experience that comes through our discerning of Christ and the meaning of the Supper."

Father, thank You that even today I can commune with You and Your Son as I take my own cup and juice.  Help me to discern the Living Christ even more!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Monday, January 16, 2017

Mark 12 -- Jesus Answers 4 Questions Then Asks 1

My commentary says, "Jesus answered four questions, and then He asked them a question that silenced them for good."

A question of authority: They asked him where He got His authority to do what He was doing.  "They weren't seeking truth, they were looking for evidence to use to destroy him.  Jesus knew what they were doing, so He countered their question with another question and exposed their hypocrisy ... God does not teach us new truth if we have rejected the truth He has already revealed ... the Jewish religious leaders had not accepted what John had taught, so why should God say anything more to them?  Had they obeyed John's message, they would have gladly submitted to Christ's authority."

A question about responsibility:  The Pharisees and the Herodians were enemies, but they entered into a temporary alliance to trap Jesus, thinking no matter which way He answered about paying taxes to Rome, they'd have him.  "Jesus looked on taxes as the citizens' debt to the government in return for the services performed ... We must accept the fact that God has established human government for our good.  His answer to them left them both with nothing to charge Him with.

A question about eternity:  The Sadducees stepped up to the plate, presenting a hypothetical question  based on a Mosaic law and resurrection.  They didn't believe in resurrection.  "Jesus revealed their ignorance of two things:  the power of God and the truth of the scriptures.  Resurrection is not the restoration of life as we know it; it is the entrance into a new life that is different ... giving us the new bodies we will need for new life in heaven... In the eternal state, where our new bodies are perfect and there is no death, there will be no need for marriage, procreation, and the continuance of the race ... The Sadducees were also ignorant of the Scriptures.  They claimed to accept the authority of Moses, but they failed to notice that Moses taught the continuation of life after death."  Jesus pointed out what Moses had said.

A question about priority:  "The scribes had determined that the Jews were obligated to obey 613 precepts in the law -- 365 negative ones and 248 positive.  One of their favorite exercises was discussing which of these divine commandments was the greatest.  The Lord quoted Deut. 6:4-5, then Lev. 19:18.  Jesus made love the most important thing in life, because love is the fulfilling of the law.  If we love God, we will experience His love within and will express that love to others."

"Now it was our Lord's turn to ask the questions, and He focused on the most important question of all:  Who is the Messiah?  "What do You think of Christ?  Whose Son is He?"  This is a far more important question than the ones His enemies had asked Him, for if we are wrong about Jesus Christ, we are wrong about salvation.  This means we end up condemning our own souls."

Father, thank You for seeking me out in my sin and showing me the answer to this question.  My eternity is secure, for I know that You are the Christ and the Messiah.  You are the Son of God sent to take away the sin of the world.  Nothing else matters!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Friday, January 13, 2017

Mark 11 -- Different Meanings Than The Religious Leaders Would Think

As Jesus and the crowds neared Jerusalem, with the Passover about to begin, "The Lord was about to do something He had never done before,something He had repeatedly cautioned others not to do for Him:  He was going to permit His followers to give a public demonstration in His honor...  Jesus needed a donkey to ride into town to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 ... In fulfilling this prophecy, Jesus accomplished two purposes:  1) He declared Himself to be Israel's King and Messiah, and 2) He deliberately challenged the religious leaders."

The crowds from Galilee who'd followed Him to Jerusalem cried out, "Hosanna!".  But the crowd that wanted Him crucified came predominantly from Judea and Jerusalem.  They weren't the same people, my commentary explains.

Jesus had seen a fig tree with leaves, but He knew it wasn't the time for it to bear fruit.  He cured the tree rather than blessing it.  "He did it because He wanted to teach two important lessons.  First, there is a lesson on failure.  Israel had failed to be fruitful to God ... Jesus also used this miracle to tech us a lesson on faith ... Jesus said, ' Have faith in God,' meaning, 'Constantly be trusting God, live in an attitude of dependence on Him.'"

"We should not interpret it to mean, "If you pray hard enough and really believe, God is obligated to answer your prayers, no matter what you ask."  That kind of faith is not faith in God; rather, it is nothing but faith in faith or faith in feelings ... The purpose of prayer is not to get man's will done in heaven, but to get God's will done on earth."

Father, please help me to constantly remember to keep my link with You through prayer open.  It is my communion with You.  And help me not to see prayer just as emergency communications.  It is the way I speak with You daily.  I want to be a part of getting Your will done on earth.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Mark 10:32-52 Serving While Preparing To Suffer

The other two paradoxes Jesus used to teach the disciples and the crowds are given here:  "Servants shall become rulers" and "The poor become rich."

As they continued toward Jerusalem and Jesus' certain death, Jesus was still leading the way!  His courage to die for us in incredible!  Hearing His words, the disciples themselves grew more bewildered and fearful, my commentary said, "for this was a difficult experience for them and not at all what they had planned or expected."  Now they knew it would happen in Jerusalem and that the Gentiles would play a part.  "He promised that He would rise again.  He told His disciples the truth, but they were in no condition to understand it."

How embarrassing the requests of James and John were at that moment, asking for thrones!  "They were praying selfishly, and God does not answer selfish prayers.  If He does, it is only that He might discipline us and teach us how to pray in His will.  James, John, and Salome did not realize that it costs something to get answers to prayer.  For Jesus to grant their request, He would have to suffer and die."

"Like many people today, the disciples were making the mistake of following the wrong examples.  Instead of modeling themselves after Jesus, they were admiring the glory and authority of the Roman rulers, men who loved position and authority."

The final paradox -- the poor become rich -- was shown through the healing of two blind beggars.  "At first, the crowd tried to silence them, but when Jesus stopped and called for the men, the crowd encouraged them!  Desperate people do not permit the crowd to keep them from Jesus... 'What do you want Me to do for you' seems like a strange question to ask a blind man.  But Jesus wanted to give the man opportunity to express himself and give evidence of his own faith."  It was important for him to say what he really believed Jesus could do for him.  "This is the last healing miracle recorded in Mark, and it certainly fits into Mark's Servant theme.  We see Jesus Christ, God's Suffering Servant, on His way to the cross, and yet He stops to serve two blind beggars!  What love, what mercy, what grace!"

Father, thank You for the opportunities You've recently woven into my life to help others even while I was suffering.  Those opportunities show me I'm communing with You!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mark 10:1-31 How Jesus Taught With Paradoxes

My commentary noted that "Jesus gave us these five important lessons that can be expressed in five succinct, paradoxical statements."  For the part I read today, they were:  "Two shall be one", "Adults shall be as children", and "The first shall be last".

Regarding the first one one divorce, my commentary said, "Jesus explained that Moses gave the divorce law because of the sinfulness of the human heart ... By giving this commandment to Israel, God was not putting His approval on divorce or even encouraging it.  Rather, He was seeking to restrain it and make it more difficult for men to divorce their wives ... so that women would not become victims of their husbands' whims.  Jesus took them back beyond Moses to the record of the original creation.  after all, it was God who established marriage; and He has the right to make the rules ... The emphasis here is that marriage is a physical union ... only a physical cause can break it -- either death or fornication ... To remarry after divorce, other than one granted on the grounds of fornication, would make the person guilty of committing adultery ... Mark 10:9 warns us that man cannot separate those who have been united in marriage, but God can ... He expects married people to practice commitment to each other and to remain true to each other."

For the second paradox, my commentary said, "A child enjoys much, but can explain very little.  Children live by faith.  By faith they accept their lot, trusting others to care for them and see them through.  We enter God's kingdom by faith like little children:  helpless, unable to save ourselves, totally dependent on the mercy and grace of God.  We enjoy God's kingdom by faith, believing that the Father loves us and will care for our daily needs."

For the third paradox, it said, "The young ruler did not see himself as a condemned sinner before the Holy God.  He had a superficial view of the law of God, for he measured obedience only by external actions and not by inward attitudes.  As far as his actions were concerned, he was blameless, but his inward attitudes were not blameless, because he was covetous.  He may have kept some of the commandments, but the last commandment caught him:  'Thou shalt not covet.' ... He wants to get salvation on his terms, and he was disappointed."

Father, it's often so hard for us to see things from Your perspective, since we live in such a sin-centered world and are constantly bombarded with messages that do not agree with Your Word.  Help me to be able to sort through them, see the paradoxesand adjust my life to You.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Monday, January 9, 2017

Mark 9 -- Being A Disciple

Jesus had taught His disciples that suffering is transformed into glory by God.  "The Lord gave a dazzling proof that God does indeed transform suffering into glory ... He revealed His glory... to Peter, James, and John on the mountaintop when He spoke to Moses and Elijah and God said, "This is My Son, whom I love.  Listen to Him."  But He also told them not to share what they'd witnessed until He had died and been resurrected.

"Keep in mind that He has shared His glory with us and promised us a glorious home forever" my commentary added.

They didn't remain on the mountaintop afterwards, but returned to minister.  "Discipleship means denying self, taking up a cross, and following Him, and you can't do that and selfishly stay on the mountain of glory.  There are needs to be met in the valley below ... Discipleship is not built on spectacular visions but on the inspired unchanging Word of God."

"In one day, a disciple can move from the glory of heaven to the attacks of hell.  When our Lord and His three friends returned to the other nine disciples, they found them involved in a dual problem:  they were unable to deliver the boy from demonic control, and the scribes were debating with them and perhaps even taunting them because of their failure ... Jesus stepped in to solve the problem ... The main lesson of this miracle is the power of faith to overcome the enemy ... Why had the nine disciples failed?  Because they had been careless in their personal spiritual walk and had neglected prayer and fasting ... faith must be cultivated through spiritual discipline and devotion."

The disciples almost let that important lesson slip by as they began bragging about which one of them was the greatest.  Jesus set a child before them to teach them (and us) a lesson on honor, saying that "the way to be first is to be last, and the way to be last is to be the servant of all...  True humility means knowing yourself, accepting yourself, being yourself -- your best self -- and giving up yourself for others."

Father, help me to see Your glory in Your Son and not forget His words.  Help me to know and accept myself as I am, to be my very best self, and to give myself to others everyday so that they may see You through me.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Friday, January 6, 2017

Mark 8 -- Who Do YOU Say I am?

Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do you say I am?"  That's the priceless question!  "Your confession concerning Jesus Christ is a matter of life or death," my commentary says.  "The only confession that saves us is 'Jesus is Lord!' when that confession comes from a heart that truly believes in Him ... In His words and His works, Jesus gave every evidence to the people that He was the Son of God, the Messiah, and yet they did not get the message... Instead of diligently seeking for the truth, the people listened to popular opinion and followed it, just as many people do today.  They had opinions instead of convictions, and this is what led them astray."

When He then told them that He would die on the cross, "this announcement stunned the disciples.  If He is indeed the Christ of God, then why would He be rejected by the religious leaders?  Why would thy crucify Him? ... There was something wrong somewhere and the disciples were confused ... Peter began rebuking his Master ... His protest was born out of his ignorance of God's will and his deep love for His Lord ... The man who loves Jesus, but who shuns God's method, is a stumbling block to Him.  Peter did not yet understand the relationship between suffering and glory ... In spite of their devotion to Him, the disciples were still ignorant of the true relationship between the cross and the crown.  They were following Satan's philosophy (glory without suffering) instead of God's philosophy (suffering transformed into glory).  Which philosophy you accept will determine how you live and how you serve."

"Jesus laid down three conditions for true discipleship:  1) We must surrender ourselves completely to Him; 2) we must identify with Him in suffering and death; and 3) we must follow Him obediently, wherever He leads.  If we live for ourselves, we will lose ourselves, but if we lose ourselves for His sake and the gospel's, we will find ourselves.  We deny ourselves when we surrender ourselves to Christ and determine to obey His will.  This once-for-all dedication is followed by a daily 'dying to self' as we take up the cross and follow Him ... When we live for Christ, we become more like Him, and this brings out our own unique individuality."

Father, I've made that once-for-all choice to dedicate myself to Your will.  Help me to follow through strongly in my daily dying to self.  Help me to live for You and not miss any opportunities You place before me.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Mark 7 -- Building Fences To Keep Ourselves Unholy?

There's quite a bit of drama presented here, as the Pharisees and teachers of the law openly confronted Jesus because they believed their traditions were more important than Scripture!

Ritual hand washing had started not for sanitary purposes, but to remind the Jews of their separation as a people devoted to God.  "The scribes and Pharisees had given the tradition to the people to add to their burden ...  the Jews called tradition the fence of the law.  It was not the law that protected the tradition, but the tradition that protected the law ... A good reminder had gradually degenerated into an empty ritual and the result was pride and religious isolation. ... These washings conveyed a wrong idea of the nature of sin and personal holiness ... true holiness is a matter of inward affection and attitude and not just outward actions and associations," my commentary said.

Jesus quoted from the prophet Isaiah, "condemning the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes ... they were destroying the influence and authority of the very Word of God... Once He had exposed their hypocrisy, Jesus then turned to the law of Moses and indicted them for breaking the fifth commandment!"

"Jesus announced to the whole crowd that the source of holy living is from within, not from without ... true holiness has always been a matter of the heart, a right relationship with God by faith ... the human heart is sinful and produces all manner of evil desires, thoughts, and actions... Jesus had no illusions about human nature ... He realized that man is a sinner, unable to control or change his own nature, and that is why Jesus came to earth -- to die for lost sinners."

Father, as much as I try to focus on You and Your Word, I agree that my human heart is sinful and capable of all manner of evil desires, thoughts, and actions.  My only hope is in You and Your Son and Your Spirit.  Help me to relinquish control over my heart at all times to You.  Alert me quickly when I'm trying to take back that control!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Mark 6 -- Faith Is Tested And Unbelief Is Revealed

Jesus traveled to his hometown, and the people He'd grown up with would not believe and even despised Him, despite His teaching.  Because they wouldn't believe, they couldn't receive the miracles He had available for them.

Jesus sent His apostles out, two by two, and authorized them to deal cast out demons.  "They represented Him in all they did and said.  God's commandments are always His enablements.  It is remarkable that a band of ordinary men could go out in this way to represent Almighty God, and that they could demonstrate their authority by performing miracles," my commentary noted.

After their return, Jesus took them to a secluded place so they could rest.  "Even God's Servant-Son needed time to rest, fellowship with His friends, and to find renewal from the Father."  But the crowds made that impossible, and this led to the feeding of the 5000.

"Jesus looked at the situation, not as a problem, but as an opportunity to trust the Father and glorify His name.  An effective leader is someone who sees potential in problems and is willing to act by faith ... The first step is not to measure our resources, but to determine God's will and trust Him to meet the need."

Jesus them compelled His apostles to leave in a boat.  They were on a spiritual high and this in itself was dangerous.  It is good to be on the mountaintop if you don't get careless and step off a cliff ... Each new experience of testing demands of us more faith and courage.  And they were about to be tested by the storm on the lake and the sight of Jesus walking on the water! ... The waves that frightened them were only stair steps to bring the Lord Jesus to them."  Their faith test didn't turn out so well.  "Even a disciple of Jesus Christ can develop a hard heart if he fails to respond to the spiritual lessons that must be learned in the course of life and ministry," my commentary concluded.

Father, I doubt that I would have done any better, had I been there.  Increase my faith, and help me to know to expect You in times of trials.  Help me to remember what You've taught me to know:  "I trust You, God!"

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Mark 5:21-34 Don't Be Afraid. Just Believe!

"One crowd sighed with relief as they saw Jesus leave, but another crowd was waiting to welcome Him when He returned home to Capernaum," my commentary said.  The woman who'd suffered for 12 years from a hemorrhage couldn't be cured and was bankrupt from trying to find one.  "She was also ceremonially unclean according to the law, which greatly restricted both her religious and her social life.  What a burden she carried!" my commentary said.

"What kind of faith did she have?  It was weak, timid, a perhaps somewhat superstitious ... she made this one great attempt to get through to her Savior.  She was not disappointed:  Jesus honored her faith, weak as it was, and healed her body ... Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble it might be.  When we believe, He shares His power with us and something happens in our lives ... He dealt with her publicly for her own sake.  He wanted to be to her something more than a healer:  He wanted to be her Savior and Friend as well ... He called her daughter and sent her on her way with a benediction of peace ... Jesus had given her spiritual healing as well!"

Jairus, the synagogue leader with the dying daughter, was desperate.  "The other religious leaders opposed to Jesus certainly wouldn't have approved ... He would rather lose his friends and save his beloved daughter ... Through this entire event, it was our Lord's WORDS that made the difference."

Word came that his daughter had died.  Jairus might have even thought she could have been saved if Jesus hadn't stopped to talk to the woman.  "But Jesus assured him, 'Be not afraid, go on believing,'  -- words of faith.  In other words, 'You had a certain amount of faith when you came to Me, and your faith was helped when you saw what I did for that woman.  Don't quit!  Keep believing!'"

They traveled to his home and were greeted by the noise of professional Jewish mourners.  She was indeed dead.  "The child is not dead but sleeps," Jesus said to them.  Words of hope.

It was time for words of loved and power.  "Unbelief laughs at God's Word, but faith lays hold of it and experiences the power of God ... 'Little girl, I say to you, get up!' ....It was by His authority that her spirit returned to her body.  The girl had not only come back to life, but was also healed of her sickness, for she was able to get out of bed and walk around."

"This series of miracles in chapter 5 illustrate how Jesus met and helped all kinds of people, from His own disciples to a pair of demoniacs, and it assures us that He is able to help us today."

I noticed a lot about fear in this chapter, too.  The spirits in the men feared Jesus.  The pigs drowned themselves out of fear of the demons.  The crowd which witnessed those healings were frightened of Jesus.  They begged Him to leave.  Jairus was fearful that his daughter would die.  The woman was shaking with fear when Jesus asked who'd touched His clothes.  Jairus was even more fearful when he received news that his daughter had died.  But Jesus' words were, "Don't be AFRAID; just BELIEVE."  And He tells us that today.

Father, I've been reading that our fear causes us to want to control our situations.  But You are the One who controls everything.  When I am afraid, help me to remember not to grasp for control myself, but to just believe in Your power and Your love for me.  Be my Savior.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

Monday, January 2, 2017

Mark 5:1-20 How Satan Worked THEN And Still Works NOW

Matthew 8 states that two men were demon-possessed and living in the burial caves.  mark focuses on one of them here.  My commentary noted "three forces at work:  Satan, society, and the Savior.  And they are all still at work today, trying to control the lives of people."

We aren't told how the men were taken over by the demons.  My commentary suggests that it was likely the result of their yielding to sin.  "Demons are unclean spirits and can easily get a foothold in the lives of people who cultivate sinful practices."

"Because they yielded to Satan, the thief, these two men lost everything!  ... They lost their homes ... families ... friends ... decency ... self-control ... peace ... their purpose for living ... and they would have remained in that plight had Jesus not come through a storm to rescue them."

Society had tried to do something, but they'd only managed to chain them for a time, put them under guard, and isolated them.  Society couldn't fix the real problem.

But what did Jesus do?  "He graciously came to them in love, and even went through a storm to do it ... Nothing could stop the Lord from coming to that graveyard and bringing deliverance to those men ... He spoke to them and permitted them to speak to him ... Jesus treated them with love and respect."

"It is encouraging to note that the demons did not know what Jesus planned to do.  This suggests that Satan can know God's plans only if God reveals them.  In fact, there is no evidence in Scripture that Satan can read the mind of a believer, let along the mind of God."

"More than anything else, the drowning of the 2,000 swine was a vivid object lesson to this Christ-rejecting crowd that, to Satan, a pig is a good as a man.  In fact, Satan will make a man into a pig!"

Father, I hate seeing those I love tempted by sin.  I hate seeing how Satan deceives, telling them nothing will happen.  I hate how they unknowingly give him power over them and how he makes them believe that life is better under his control, while actually hiding from them the fact that it is costing them everything.  They can't see what they are losing!  Expose him, Father.  Show them the truth.  Reveal the lies.  Bring the light of Your Truth to them.  Restore their hope, Father!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford